SDGs Initiatives

Teikoku Machinery Works underwent an SDGs/ESG assessment by the Hyakugo Bank and received the highest rating of “A.”
We will continue to focus on the SDGs most relevant to our business and do everything we can towards solving issues and contributing to the achievement of these goals.

"A" rating certificate from the Hyakugo Bank

What are the SDGs?
The SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) is a set of international development goals from 2016 to 2030, which was adopted by the UN Sustainable Development Summit held in September 2015 building on the success of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
Japan SDGs Action Platform (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan)

In support of the SDGs advocated by the United Nations, Teikoku Machinery Works places utmost priority on contributing to the realization of a sustainable society.

1. Compliance and
Risk Management Initiatives

  • · Established the Compliance Committee
  • · Established the ISO Promotion Department (Obtained ISO 9001 certification in 2015)
  • · Obtained Eco Stage (Stage 2) certification in 2012

2. Maintain and Improve
a Proper Work Environment

  • · Pay fair wages and prevent excessively hard work and long hours
  • · Ensure sufficient days off and eliminate employee work outside of regular work hours
  • · Labor Safety Committee holds periodic safety workshops

3. Environmental
Protection Initiatives

  • · Obtained Eco Stage (Stage 2) certification in 2012
  • · Progress is managed using environmental improvement planning sheets
  • · Investment in clean energy through solar power installations
  • · Hazardous waste is thoroughly managed

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